Loadpipe Foundation Week Update Feb 26, 2024 – Map004

We are entering March, which is upping the stakes on our deliverables and roadmap. Very exciting times and here is what we have lined up this week.

It is also the last week our CTO, co-founder, Beau is in Chiang Mai with us before he goes to Europe. Will make the most of his last week here.

Public Town Halls:

February 28: State of the Blockchain

Join us for our first public team call this Wednesday, February 28, 2024, at 8:00 PM Thailand time (UTC+7) or 1:00 PM UTC. For those in New York, it will be at 8:00 AM. We’ll be discussing the latest updates and developments leading up to the launch. You can participate via the Loadpipe Discord: https://go.clktrack.com/lpdiscord

March 1: Tokenomics 4

Join us for our fourth tokenomics town hall session on Thursday, March 1, 2024, at 9:00 AM Thailand time (UTC+7), 2:00 AM UTC, or 9:00 PM New York time. The session will be held in our Discord voice channel. We look forward to your participation!

Strategic Partnership Close to Confirming:

Those who have been keeping up with our weekly updates are aware that we’ve recently connected with another team developing an ecommerce protocol. We’ve had more than four calls so far, and all of them have been very productive. The alignment between our teams has been excellent, and we’re excited to announce that we have another call scheduled for this coming Tuesday.

Marketing Campaigns and Team Discussion, Team Building:

As we focus on development, we’re also actively shaping our marketing strategy, refining our branding, and determining our positioning in the market. Stay tuned for innovative campaigns featuring new team members, as well as exciting ways to engage with the community.