Loadpipe Foundation Week Update Apr 14, 2024 – Map011

Last week was an intense amount of community calls and team calls! Monday and Friday last week we had tokenomics call – which highlighted still some confusion in which we need to streamline. Yet normal and healthy in an early stage project, and exciting!

Also last Wednesday we had our “State of the loadpipe blockchain” call which covered all different departments and updates. We are very proud of our development team and the progress they are making and look forward to the marketing and business development side to pick up now as we prepare to have the product ready by mid-May.

Bitcoin halving is this Saturday April 20 (approximately) and the love for Bitcoin is real. Mike will be diving deeper into things talking to some other EVM projects that are bridging Bitcoin (via Runes) to Ethereum.

This coming week:

* Hiring decision in the IT department planned.
* Marketing and Business Development looking to make a more solid org structure.
* BD with our other protocol friends and making new inroads in the bitcoin community.
* Supplier side have some business development as well, needing technical department.

Preparing for our more public introduction at EthCC in Brussels in July (July 8-11) where 3 of our team is going.