Loadpipe Foundation Week Update Apr 29, 2024 – Map013

This past weekend Loadpipe was an instrumental supporter of the first ever decentralized naming hackathon in Hanoi, Vietnam. Met a lot of talented developers here and will be discussing various ways to integrate Handshake, Loadpipe, and this budding talent pool in Vietnam.

We are entering May! 4 full months since we kicked off with a full time effort of the team and we have accomplished quite a bit:

  • Hamza marketplace testnet (project raft)
  • Hamza v2 (project boat) beta 90% complete (test net planned for mid May)
  • Community calls for Tokenomics,
  • Alliances with other ecommerce projects, on-chain and off-chain (will make formal announcements at our go live in July at EthCC)
  • Content library creation and marketing flow and team building.
  • Corporate structures in place

But most important – defining the team, the purpose, the trust. The foundation is important and cannot be rushed.


This coming week:

  • Marketing, BD, fundraising workshop call to start things off this week. Aligning our team on the goals of the “forward facing” departments, and goals for short and long term.
  • Hamza v2 (Project Boat) on track to be on a test server for wider team review and feedback.
  • Integrations with alliances for checkout and processing.
  • Discussions with suppliers and the IT flow of onboarding.