Loadpipe Foundation Week Update May 6, 2024 – Map014

Lots in the works!

Product team: Last week we have a staging server setup with our crypto native ecommerce marketplace, and have had the marketing team reviewing it for feedback for the product team. It is coming alive!

Business Development team: Researching which target seller/supplier market and which buyer side market – and our data is leading us to a China ship from, with a Vietnam ship to market. Backed with data and networking, we do plan this to be a direction to go in.

Governance team: working on coordinape for the first epoch of the project, kicked off last Friday til end of this month. Once we catch up the first two, will be a regular ritual and workflow. The goal here is to welcome the community to contribute and be rewarded for their contributions.

This coming week:

Product team is looking into the payment flow more. Also more integration talks with various tech and logistics providers.

Business development team needs to huddle on the target market to confirm – China on ship from side, Vietnam on target ship to side. There are also some business collaborations on those fronts once we lock in those market.s

Mike will be going to Bitcoin Asia in Hong Kong Wednesday to Sunday for more bitcoin integration discussions and networking.

Governance team – gathering the first epoch to allocate on the coordinape. Reviewing presentations submitted by James. Preparing materials for becoming more dao governed.