Six weeks til demo of Loadpipe protocol’s first MVM (multi vendor marketplace): Hamza – at EthCC in Brussels! Had a weekend discussion with John on the product development feature priority list – and super excited to be able to show this beauty off at EthCC.
We are halfway through the year. So much has been accomplished, yet –
But a lot of work, and a lot of opportunities and a lot of innovation. That is what we signed up for – and that is what we must do!
We will be onboarding more developers to assist and help us reach our 6 week goal for a demo! Lets all push our limits and make this happen – as an impressive demo at this conference will be a key milestone in the overall health and growth of this early stage venture.
Beau wrapped up Eth Berlin event he attended late last week. Had some positive meetings with Safe wallet and others, excited to hear a report back.
Mike is flying to China today for about 10 days, to develop the logistics partners and supplier side of the marketplace. Hosting a meetup Thursday night, and on Saturday a focus group.
After China – going to Vietnam one of our target markets – for GMvietnam conference in Hoch Chi Minh and then Hanoi for developer meetings and expansion meetings.
Each of us is doing their part, lets stay motivated, keep building, growing – and innovating!