Loadpipe Foundation Week Update July 1, 2024 – Map022

The final week before EthCC and the demo of Hamza! Beau, Garo, and Mike will be heading there this weekend and representing the team as best as possible.

The timing of this conference and demo is timely. We are halfway through the year and at a point where we need to have a deep discussion afterwards.

Fundraising, grants, partnerships, team building, Dao, equity. There are so many discussions and decisions to be made.

Our biggest accomplishment has been our team formation. We have came around the goal of building a decom (decentralized ecommerce) marketplace – Hamza – with various partners.

We have had workshops on logistics now, fundraising, and web3.

Once we accomplish the EthCC conference and soak up all our learnings and discussions – it will be an ultimate time for us to discuss how to move through the rest of the year.

One of the shorter week plans, as it is the “quiet before the storm”. Lets all brace for the beautiful transformation of or demo, pitch, networking in Europe this summer.

Onwards and upwards