Loadpipe Foundation Week Update July 29, 2024 – Map026

Our first “baby” – Hamza Labs – is having a big milestone this week – moving to main net.

Speaking to John, it has been 16 sprints (16 weeks) or 4 months since we started diving deep into creating this multi vendor marketplace, crypto native, decentralized data layer, tool.

Time to make the hard move of making it “alive”. It will be a frankenstein to start, we will not make it public to the world yet, but instead have test transactions from our team and close network. This is to serve as the next level of the evolution of the world’s first decom marketplace – Hamza.

We also have a 5 milestone roadmap for a MVP that will allow third party sellers to list product on this Hamza multi vendor marketplace – but dates have not yet been set.

Turning on this “frankenstein” will also change the role and expectations of the marketing and BD team – which for the most part has been on research and prepare mode. Now it will be moving towards “do mode”.

The transition will be from building and talking to BUILDING AND DOING/SHOWING/EXECUTING.

Which is very exciting.

Also there is a 3-ish month milestone of the Bangkok Devcon as well as Cross Border Summit in Chiang Mia, Thailand.

The big mindset shift with having a live product will be – FEEDBACK from users. Up until now, it is internal speculation and showing a demo, now it will move to real user feedback – which will definitely affect our product roadmap.