Loadpipe Foundation Week Update November 11, 2024 – Map041

We are in BD mode. And Build mode. And Create mode.

Hamza market is becoming more and more refined by the day – more developer help, more community help, more feedback, more engagement.

Typing this up from Devcon pre-events where we are getting great recognition from those we talk to about REAL WORLD USE CASES. Many projects want to prioritize helping us as we are solving a problem that is big and challenging and bringing web2 to web3.

Last week we had an amazing Cross Border Summit and then mastermind retreat where many sellers are also big supporters of what we are making – to decentralize ecommerce.

Hiring more developers this week, adding more integrations, and “holding on” as we build and develop and grow.

Making the most of these events and the excitement around blockchain technology with the new US president transition.

We are very excited and glad we invested early in building Hamza here at the Loadpipe Foundation. The plan is to build an entirely decentralized ecommerce ecosystem owned and governed by the people who run it.